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Stay in your lane.

Nury Crawford

1010 Publishing is a fairly new press right here in Metro Atlanta. We just celebrated our year 3 in the publishing world. We focus on the dissemination of books in a bilingual format and in multiple languages. We are proud to support biliteracy and increase the diversity in books. I was compelled to jump into this world of publishing because my personal stories matter and are relevant to children too. All readers can benefit from books that are diverse in nature, not just people that are bilingual. Language and culture go hand in hand, so when you learn about a language you begin to connect to the culture. Take a look at books that might help you connect with the world around you.

Today I talk about two tips: 1) Write about what you know and 2)Use your own voice. In summation, just be yourself. People will either like what you have to say via your books or they won't . You will never be everybody's favorite writer...and guess what? That's okay.

I'm super proud to share that "Marisol" available in English and Spanish has been released. I'm so proud that readers have been connecting with us and letting me know that this book is timely and helps Latina readers feel seen and heard. Other kids that are not Latino have chimed in too. It's funny how we can all find similarities among ourselves when we look for them. We can help bridge our communities together through books.

March 1- August 1 every year we open our submission window. Not a day before or a day later. We love it when authors do their homework. Take time to reveiw our old blogs for tips and learn about 1010 Publishing through our website and social media platforms.

Last but not least, it's Black History Month and we will be sharing some of our favorite Black writers this month. Be sure to let us know who your favorite writers are too.


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