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Hispanic Hertigage Month? Plus new authors join 1010 Publishing!

Hi everyone! It's been a minute (more like a month) since I have updated you. Well just in case we are not connected on social media, I have been quite busy!

This weekend I was so excited to engage in the Gwinnett County Public Library annual celebration in rewarding our youth for meeting their summer reading challenge. Five authors were chosen, I was one of those authors. I met some amazing writers who love kids too! My book was not the only one that was bilingual. Another featured author had a Korean / English children's cool is that?

1010 Publishing was able to connect a novice writer, Vivi Eulalia with Mirros and Windows Literary Magazine. Her beautiful story "La Mariposa" was published on August 18, 2018. Here's a link to access the short story:

We love supporting our writers!

One of the contributions made by immigrants to our country that I want to talk about on this edition is the origination of National Hispanic Heritage Month.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is the period from September 15 to October 15 in the United States, when people recognize the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the group's heritage and culture. Hispanic Heritage Month was really first a week established in 1968. The commemorative week was expanded by legislation sponsored by Rep. Esteban E. Torres and implemented by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period (September 15 - October 15). It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988. I encourage eveyone to look into all of the countless contributions Latino / Hispanic people make every single day on the local, state and national level.

In order for me to support the focus of this time frame, I will be vising schools and some festivals/conferences during the time frame.

In September:

1 and 2- I will be at the Decatur Book Fesitval! I will be on stage on 9/1/18 at 4:30 PM, come check me out! I would love to see you there.

9- I will have a give away of my book. Connect with me and share my post about the give-away in order to have a chance at winning a copy of my book. Free shipping and all! If I receive 100 shares I will give away 10 books.

15- I will be preseting and sharing my book at the Latino Book Festival in San Diego. If you're nearby, come on out!

24- I will be presenting my feedback on how important my indigineous language is to me and how it is more than just a communication means to studetns at Georgia State University.

25- I will be a guest speaker for the Gwinnett County Government Hispanic Heritage Month celebration from 7:30-9PM. Here's the link to the invitation.

27- I will be at the Unidos Dual Language School! I love visiting schools so I cannot wait to see the kiddos! I'm bringing some bookmarks and books will also be avaialable.

28- GA TESOL at the GA International Convention Center...have you signed up? I will join the committee that evening for dinner and chat. I look forward to meeting the key role members that make this event possible every year.

Here's this month's Novice Author's Tip:

Knowing your audience is just as important as knowing your content. Knowing the intended audience for your book can also answer other questions that frequently arise. For instance, writers often wonder if the use of jargon (words or language related to a specific field) or acronyms (abbreviations of longer names/terms) is appropriate or must be explained. This question can be answered by knowing the audience. If the audience should understand these terms because it is specific content for a specific audience, then they don’t necessarily need to be explained and can be used. Put another way, if you are writing a book on a medical topic and the audience is medical professionals, complex medical terms can and probably even should be used. If, on the other hand, your audience is a group of non-medical experts (ex: women diagnosed with breast cancer), such terms would need to be explained or not used at all.

Last but not least, 1010 Publishing has a new client, Lynn Shebat! A novice author. She has an amazing story to share. She is a passionate educator and I just know you will connect with her and let her into your world like I have. I will have her on this blog soon. Look out for her.

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