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My visit to Gadsden County Schools!

Nury Crawford

I had an amazing time earlier this week in Gadsten County Florida. On the first day I was able to do several book read aloud‘s and answer questions. I was able to integrate some love their early childhood songs by a famous children songs musician and singer from Peru. Her name is Yola Poladtri. She sang some of the most beloved songs. My sister and I danced along to her music most likely the year before we moved to the USA. On the second day I was able to connect closely with teachers and some middle school and high school students, we talked about everything from a culturally responsive learning environments, June be an immigrant heritage month, & the writing workshop model and how it is relevant to professional writers a.k.a. authors. I took the opportunity of being in Florida by leaving a few days early and enjoying some much needed R&R at the beach. I ate lots of seafood and was able to spend Father’s Day with my dad. I definitely loved sharing my book with all the children and educators. This Saturday I will be in Monroe Georgia  At the story shop 124 N. Broad Street. I hope that I can see you there!

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