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June is Immigrant Heritage Month

Hey guys! Well June is here and it is Immigrant Heritage Month. Who knew?!? I sure didn't but I'm glad to know there is one since most of us are descendants of immigrants, well unless you're indegenous (Native American) right?

I'd love to connect with you on social media! Let's connect on social media:

Email / Call me with questions about writing or about me sharing my story with your audience.


This Week's Writing Tip: Use a calendar. I use two> Google Calendar and the one you can write on. Keeping up with the hours you read is important. Remember when we discussed living your writing daily, thinking about it all of the time, kind of a lonely craft? Well it hasn't changed much since I brought it up. If you're going to write well you have to dedicate wome time to it. Whether you're researching, drafting, collecting your thoughts, or just writing DO IT. It doesn't feel good to write for 2 hours and then have to revise all of it...but it's better than having a blank page. So write something.

Coming up:

I'll be at Plaza Fiesta in Metro Atl this Sunday June 10 celebrating Immigrant Heritage Month. If you're around, check me out. Come out and enjoy some cultural fun such as some yummy food!

June 23 I'll be at The Story Shop in Monroe, GA at 1PM. I'll be reading the book and signing books too! I would love to see you there!

June 27 I'll be at Fred Toomer ES (Atlanta Public Schools) at 10AM. It's a community event, so bring the kids!

In addition, I'll be putting in 15 hours of editing for my second book (sigh ... but it has to get done) and interviewing 3 immigrants who came to this country as school aged children...I am SO excited!!!!!!!!

Have an amazing week! Muchos besos y abrazos a todos. #IAMAnImmigrant

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