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The Devil is in the Details! Fictional Writing!

Last week I read an interesting fact about immigrants. I found out that 83% of finalists of the 2016 Intel Science Talent Search were children of immigrants! Yes! That's amazing!

On this week's video I discuss how important details are in fictional writing. You have to know how the devil is in the details... in one chapter you cannot start talking about a supporting character being 12 and then three chapters later he or she is 22... yeah they're not a make it or break it variable in the plot of the story, but you have to remember that readers envision the story as they read it. Good readers follow along the storyline. If you can hook your reader into seeing him or herself in your story then you cannot throw them off with minor details. How do you avoid this catastrophe? Have several people read your story before you publish it. Don't be afraid of commentary or feedback, be open to suggestions and insight from others who are not emotionally vested in your literary project.

This weekend is SUPER busy for me! I'll be at Meadowcreek ES this Thursday at 5:30PM and then I'll travel to Florida where I'll be at Rose Academy in the morning and Roberts ES in the afternoon. That evening I'll be visiting my old high school Rickards High from 6-9PM. Saturday morning I'll be at the main Tallahassee library location from 11 am to noon. I hope to see you there!

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