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What a week and it's only Wed.!

Nury Crawford

I had a great weekend engaging and learning in ATL at the Dual Immersion Workshop hosted by the Department of Education DLI Dept. The program specialist is Patrick Wallace, he is fairly new to the position but he is surely letting his leadership shine! I am super excited to hear about all of the excitement and dedication being put forth! Wow! It is amazing!

Then on Monday and Tuesday I drove right into the city. How was the traffic you ask? Well, let me just say that at one point my GPS told me I was 6.4 miles away from the Hyatt Regency and it also told me I was 36 minutes away. Yeah it is that kind of ride. I certainly do not miss driving back and forth into the city. I like the suburbs much more when it comes to driving.

I learned a lot during the my two day conference hosted by the Latin American Association. For example, did you know that Latinas are the fastest growing and largest number of entrepreneurs? I was proud and patted myself on back since I am one too! Now that I have 1010 Publishin LLC. I am actually a small business owner. Another interesting tidbit was that 67 GA school districts have more than 10% of their population noted as Hispanic / Latino. That equates to about 40%!

I mailed a couple of books out this week too. One was to Sophia Choi from WSBTV. I connected with her on Twitter. She is so down to earth on there too!

Last but not least, I was named president of GALAS. It's a non-profit professional organization. It's focus is in recruiting and developing future and current leaders in education. Do you know a latino/a prospect? Send him/her my way :)

We have already started discussing the strategic plan for 2018. So I will be busy, but happy to be contributing to tomorrow's youth.

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