Easy like Sunday morning...

Let's see ... how do you spend your Sundays. Today I woke up and heard my sister, dad and nephew moving about, getting ready to leave for Florida. I went downstairs and they were packing the car. I hugged and kissed all of them. Then I made a few cups of cafe c/leche for myself and 2 girlfriends who had come to the book publishing party from out of town too. We took a few minutes to catch up. Then I hugged and waved goodbye as they drove off. I ran upstairs to my bedroom and just as I was about to call in to the radio show...I heard a knock on the door. A neighbor had fell on the iced driveway and a "small" neighbor (kid) came to alert me. I went outside to see and she was fine. I quickly ran back upstairs, by now I was out of breath (it doesn't take much...yeah yeah I know that means I'm out of shape...shrugs). I quickly dialed the number to the radio station. I was on hold for a minute, then I was introduced. On cue and seeminglessly. I was on air for about 45 minutes. I laughed, shared, and listened too. We had a caller and I engaged. Then I got dressed and went to the grocery store. Apparently all of Metro ATL thought the end of the world was near since I saw no water bottles or chips (yeah chips) on the shelves. I left and came home to do laundry. It seems it's always doubled after company leaves. I text my sons and asked them if they were coming over for dinner. They said, "yes". I made a white bean chicken chili and aji de gallina (that's a Peruvian dish). They came over, we ate and they watched a little television as I signed a few more books to mail off from online orders. Now, I'm enjoying a libation... I must say, it has been an awesome day! Thank you everyone for being supportive. I cannot wait for you to read the book! Share it too! Love --- Nury